Coho in the Cannery Cradle

Submitted by Head Interpreter, Abigail U.

Salmon babies are back at the Cannery! Every winter, we raise around fifty-five Coho salmon from eggs to fry, as part of the Salmonids in the Classroom program supported and funded by Fisheries and Oceans Canada. The program teaches participants about the life cycle of the Pacific Salmon and their important role in our west coast ecosystem.

Every day, we check the temperature of their tank to make sure that it is the same as it would be in their natural river habitat, and eagerly wait for them to start hatching—which will probably take place sometime next week! They stay with us through the alevin stage into the fry stage, during which we provide daily krill feedings. When spring comes, and they are strong enough to survive in the wild, we return the salmon fry to the Little Campbell River Hatchery and release them into the same river system where their parents once lived. The fry will remain in the river for a few months—growing every day—before beginning their long migration to the Pacific Ocean.

Drop by the Cannery for a peek at the salmonids in their bright red tank in our lobby. And check back soon for updates on the latest hatch-alerts!